Outdoor classes
Due to Covid-19, we are unable to offer our full range of classes – but they are all back!
RBF outdoor circuits class that takes place on Saturdays at 0930. This class happens outside and at the entrance of the gym (loading bay door).
We are also pleased to announce that RBF legs & Abs are making a comeback on Wednesdays as well as RFB cardio combat on Tuesdays and Zumba on Thursdays!
The last to join the list is Yoga which is on Tuesday mornings.
For more information on our classes go here.
Please book your place via the app or website and arrive in-time for a fun workout. Note that outdoor circuits class is weather dependent, and may continue if the ground is damp.
What we are doing
- 10 people max in the gym at one time.
- You can book anytime via the app or website.
- Cleaning throughout the day.
- Deep specialist fumigation weekly.
- Keeping our large loading bay door open at peak hours.
- Classes outside (weather permitting).
What you can do
- Clean your equiptment before and after using them with wipes and spray provided.
- Wash your hands throughout your workout.
- Use the sanitiser before, during and after your workout.
- Stay at home if you have any signs of the virus
- By following a few simple rules we can keep the gym open and keep you safe.